The things we as parents do for our kiddos....

Maddie decided to play "dress up" with mommy and daddy... I thankfully got the cute pink bunny ears ;)

And then Maddie pulled out her head bands... and thought mommy needed two... or three in her hair...

How was your weekend?
Friday night,
Lisa came over! If you did not catch her guest post a few weeks ago, check out it
here!! I had not seen her in a couple of weeks... and let me tell you, the girl is shrinking right before my eyes. She looks incredible! :) I was so glad to see her... I missed my Lisa time! Lisa will be back on Tuesday with another guest blog to recap her experience with
Level 2 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred! Be sure to check back for that and cheer her on!
Saturday, we spent the day lounging around doing a little bit of laundry and dishes. JR and I watched Spider Man 2 while Maddie napped... it's so nice to sit and relax with my hubby! We don't seem to have that opportunity often anymore so I really took advantage of some cuddle time with him!
As for
today, I got to sleep in thanks to my amazing hubby... did a
TON of coupon clipping (anyone else a coupon clipper?!), a quick run to Publix for a yummy turkey and swiss sub... and now I'm sitting here watching
"The Notebook"... can I just say, I
LOVE this movie?! I kind of have a girl crush on Rachel McAdams... and a TOTAL crush on
Ryan Gosling AND
James Marsden... Ca-Ching!!!
James Marsden's wife has family not too far from where we live... a friend of ours would see him at Panera almost every day... and JR and I saw him and his son at Kroger some time earlier this year, too!
Anyways! Food has not been great this week at all. Since returning home from Florida, there has been nothing but
drama that my family has been dealing with. I don't usually get caught up in it all... I learned the hard way that they have to take care of themselves. But this time, it was almost hard not to be a part of it. How did I deal with it? Instead of some great work outs, yoga or long baths...
I binged. Worse than I have in years. I won't fully go into details obviously... but it's been pretty scary. I have tried not to beat myself up over any of it... which gets hard at times.
Normally, my work outs help keep me Florida, it was impossible to get a work out in... and since coming home, I was so exhausted from our trip, I said I would give myself a few days to sleep and de-stress before getting back into it. I kept delaying it, though! I kept saying... tomorrow I'll work out... tomorrow I'll eat better... and thanks to my good
Firm infomercial buddies,
Lindsey and Tammy P...they inspired me to get off my tail and do
SOMETHING. So I did I did a yoga video from Crunch... with Sara Ivanhoe. I really like her videos... her voice is very soothing and she's easy to follow! Great instructions on this DVD if you are a beginner, too.
This video is two videos in one... one is called the "Joy of Yoga" and the other is "Fat Burning Yoga".
I did "Joy of Yoga"... nice and relaxing. I felt 200% better after only 35 minutes!
I have my work out routine now mapped out for the week!
Lisa is finishing up her last week of Level 3 with Jillian... and then we are going to start a new
Firm rotation together! I'm so excited to start another challenge with her!
So what did everyone do this weekend? I need to catch up on blogs to see how everyone is doing and check out all of your yummy eats! Anyone have a favorite meal of the week? I did... mine was my "oats in a jar"... allll filled with some yummy dark chocolate PB!!! Chocolately-goodness in EVERY bite!!!!

I am heading off to get Maddie up from her nap and get dinner going. I am making this recipe from Cooking Light that sounds yummy... it's
Meatballs and Peppers. I hope it's good! I'll report in tomorrow with the review!